LEGENDS: A Digital Power Pack
A Digital Power Pack of presets, guides and templates made for guitarists who wish their digital guitar tone sounded as good as the boutique amps and pedals they claim to emulate!
LEGENDS is a package chocked full of presets, IR's, rack chains, effect settings, and guides to make it so that achieving pro-quality analog tone is as easy as dropping in our presets in 2 seconds.
Everything Included in LEGENDS:
Preset Pack: Helix - A library of effect chains for users to accomplish a wide variety of stellar tones.
Preset Pack: Kemper - Multiple captures of our favorite three amps (Vintage Vox AC30, Matchless DC30, and Britain 2.0), as well as effect preset chains for lead and rhythm tones. (These sound exactly like the real amps!)
Preset Pack: HX Stomp - Dialed in tones ranging from lead, to rhythm, to ethereal for HX Stomp users.
Preset Pack: Pod GO - Tone town for this little guy - whether you're a lead or rhythm player, there's a big variety in there.
Preset Pack: Ableton Plugin Effect Racks - No pedals necessary, just plug straight into your interface and load up a stacked pedal board's-worth of effects racks along with stock amp plugins.
Preset Pack: Acoustic Plug-In Chains - Our go-to acoustic effect chains for single-mic'd studio acoustic guitar tracks.
Preset Pack: Boutique IRs - Modelled with best-in-industry microphones (ribbons, condensers, and dynamics) on 10 different boutique amps, resulting in 80 pristine captures with thousands of combination possibilities.
Preset Pack: Strymon Timeline - The best-preset settings this pedal has to offer (our gold standard for delay patches for 8+ years).
Preset Pack: Strymon Bigsky - Our favorite reverb presets, from rhythm to lead, to ambient, that make your guitar sound insane without the mud or lack of clarity that too much reverb can cause.
Template: Reason Production Template - Produce full band demos that sound like a mixed album by simply inputting your midi notes. Drums, piano, bass, pads, guitars, perc... it's all set up and ready for you to dive in and have fun.
Template: Ableton Recording Template - Get up and running fast with my personal guitar recording template, equipped with customized plugin effect chains and separated tracks ready for a variety of guitar parts (lead, ambient, rhythm, and more).
PDF GUIDE: Guitar EQ Cheatsheet - Fix common guitar eq problems and make your guitar tone perfect with this handy guide to guitar EQ concepts.
PDF GUIDE: Tone Troubleshooting Cheatsheet - Quickly isolate problem areas in your signal chain to ensure your rig stays stable and reliable.
Bonus Training #1: Maximizing Your Time With Templates (Video Workshop)
Bonus Training #2: Helix Video Workshop
Bonus Training #3: Kemper Video Workshop
Bonus Training #4: Plugins For Guitar Workshop