Progressions: Classics

Transform The Songs You Play

As Heard On

How Progressions: Classics Works:

Brand New Voicings For The Songs You’re Already Playing

Transform The Vibe Of The Song

Actually Learn New Chords Everywhere On The Neck

Combine Options For 1000’s of Possible Combinations

The Most Expansive And Helpful Tool For Creative Chord Expression

Grow Way Past Your Current Go-To Positions

Progressions: Classics

3 books$59 value
3 eBooks$59 value
1 video course$49 value
TOTAL VALUE$167 value

Save 75%

Why it's a Game Changer

Don't take my word for it...


"Being able to see your approach to "taste" (when it comes to chords) is awesome! I am using the heck out of this!"


Solid! Easy to read, understand, and to just pick up and have more chords at your disposal


These books are so easy to understand! I've felt a need for this for a while, and it's a cool guide and unique in the way that you've grouped it by common progressions. It stands apart from any other I've seen on the subject! Pretty sweet!


“These books have definitely brought a fresh new feel to my style of playing. Best deal ever!"


The simplicity of these books make seemingly complicated concepts easy to understand, and easy to apply to your playing immediately.


What You'll Get

Every chord progression included is broken down into 10 unique ways to play it up and down the guitar neck.  Now take each of those progressions, and multiply them by all 12 key signatures possible, and you have the most complete resource on the market for playing classic progressions on the guitar.


Classics. Vol 1

Nearly every pop, rock, worship, country, and folk song features a progression that centers around the root chord, resulting in modern guitarists struggling to differentiate their sound when progressions don’t deviate from song to song.  That’s why we’ve put together 237 pages that deep dive into making these well known classics sound unique, full of character, and most importantly: sound inspiring and are fun to play.  


Classics. Vol 2

In Volume 2, we are expanding into root-centered progressions that also variate to include minor two chords.  Adding in the 2 will have you discovering brand new ways to build tension and suspense.


Classics. Vol 3

In Volume 3, we take what we’ve learned in Volumes 1 and 2, and expand into progressions that also feature the Minor 3.  Sometimes described as “brooding”, the variations and positions featured will unlock hundreds of ways to creatively play this beautiful and powerful progressions.


eBook Versions of each book

Get started right away with hi resolution, print ready versions of all 3 volumes of Progressions: Classics.  You’ll be able to download instantly and start using the books immediately.


Exclusive Progressions Video Course

In order to ensure every customer gets the most incredible results from these books, we’ve also included a Video Workshop where we show how to use the book, how different progressions should sound, and how to immediately take advantage of this incredible resource.  Now there’s no uncertainty - you’ll absolutely upgrade your chord progressions and voicings!

Also Available


Classics. Vol 4

In volume 4, we dive into dynamic, mood driven minor diatonic progressions. These progressions begin with the minor 6, and provide excellent landscapes for verse songwriting.


Classics. Vol 5

In volume 5, we expand into even darker, more brooding minor chord progressions. By incorporating the use of the 6, 2 and 3 chords, you’ll find yourself experiencing new “broody” positions all over the neck.


Classics. Vol 6

In volume 6, discover triumphant, powerful chord progressions based on the 4 chord. These progressions “rise”, incorporating the whole neck and giving a new “lift” to classic progressions.


Classics. Vol 7

In volume 7, we expand on intricate minor chord progressions based on the 2 and 3 chord. Upgrade your technique and discover brand new ways to play dark and intricate progressions.


Classics. Vol 8

In volume 8, we focus on power-driven minor 6 chord progressions, found often in classic rock and heavier music.  This book gives you 10+ variations per key to play powerful minor progressions anywhere you want on the neck.


Classics. Vol 9

In volume 9, we go deep on the minor 3, resulting in Intense and emotional minor professions that both ascend and descend all around the neck!

Choose From 3 Epic Bundles: